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Airport: Amsterdam (AMS)


Current local time 19:48:58 Sunday 02.02.2025
Time zone UTC + 01:00
Demand calculation 21:24:02 UTC
IATA Area Traffic Conference 2
IATA Sub-Area Europe
Country Netherlands
Continent Europe
Runway 3,800 m
Airport size Mega airport
Slots (per 5 minutes) 12
Slot Availability 90%
Min. transfer time 01:30h
Nighttime ban no nighttime ban
Noise restrictions Restricted to Chapter III and IV aircraft


2025-02-01 16:09 UTC Dutch Lion Airlines, based at Amsterdam, has ceased operations. All shares have been returned or liquidated.
2025-02-01 16:09 UTC Dutch Lion Airlines, based at Amsterdam, has restarted operations.
2025-02-01 16:03 UTC euro air has opened a new station at Amsterdam.
2025-02-01 09:01 UTC Interworld Air Charter has opened a new station at London City.
2025-02-01 09:01 UTC Interworld Air Charter has opened a new station at Birmingham, GB.
2025-02-01 09:01 UTC Interworld Air Charter has opened a new station at Oslo Gardermoen.
2025-02-01 09:01 UTC Interworld Air Charter has opened a new station at Stockholm Arlanda.
2025-02-01 09:01 UTC Interworld Air Charter has opened a new station at Copenhagen.
2025-02-01 08:59 UTC Interworld Air Charter has opened a new station at Palma de Mallorca.
2025-01-31 20:52 UTC Westfalenwings has opened a new station at Amsterdam.
2025-01-31 19:42 UTC KADAir has been founded in Amsterdam.
2025-01-31 17:58 UTC LetAir has opened a new station at Amsterdam.
2025-01-31 16:31 UTC AXS has opened a new station at Amsterdam.
2025-01-31 12:30 UTC Araya Airlines has opened a new station at Amsterdam.
2025-01-31 00:10 UTC Crosskey air has opened a new station at Amsterdam.

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Enterprise IL Weekly departures Flight schedule
Aer 14 Departures
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Air Karib 14 Departures
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Air Spreeathens 14 Departures
AirBaerlin 21 Departures
Airlina 7 Departures
airlinescp 0 Departures
Americana Air 7 Departures
Antalya Airlines 7 Departures
Araya Airlines 21 Departures
Argos Air 42 Departures
Armair Aircompany 0 Departures
Aurora International Airline 7 Departures
Auspiciousness Airways 0 Departures
Aviastar Cargo 6 Departures
AXS 7 Departures
Bayernflug 14 Departures
Benelux Airlines 112 Departures
BESF air 1 Departures
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British Northern Airways 7 Departures
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Chinese Airline 2 Departures
Cloverleaf 7 Departures
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emAIR 7 Departures
euro air 7 Departures
Flanders Air 7 Departures
FlixPlane 7 Departures
FlyHummel 28 Departures
Freedomair 0 Departures
Funny Air 7 Departures
GeoCorp Airlines 0 Departures
Great Lakes Express 1 Departures
Helping International Airline 0 Departures
Holzline 14 Departures
HS Airline 0 Departures
Hungarian National Airtransport 7 Departures
International Connection 0 Departures
Interworld Air Charter 28 Departures
Israeli Airlines 6 Departures
Istanbul Air 7 Departures
Italianairlines 28 Departures
IvanAir 35 Departures
JAX AIR 5 Departures
JuAir 28 Departures
KADAir 0 Departures
Kind Airlines 7 Departures
KinYongYe Airlines 2 Departures
Kleinflys 1 Departures
KY Airlines 4 Departures
Lavender Airways 0 Departures
LetAir 7 Departures
Letzfly 7 Departures
linggok 9 Departures
Linjun airline 5 Departures
LSky line 14 Departures
LuftSchweiz 21 Departures
Lulsgate Sky 21 Departures
LusaAir 7 Departures
Mid West Airlines 7 Departures
Milan Air 7 Departures
Mosaic 4 Departures
Newtland Airlines 6 Departures
Norsk Lufttransport 19 Departures
NORTH AIR 21 Departures
North United 39 Departures
Nyinne Airways 1 Departures
Odin Cargo 14 Departures
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Sabena NV 14 Departures
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Stripe Airways 4 Departures
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Triumvirate Airlines 7 Departures
Turquoise 21 Departures
TVA Air 7 Departures
Unfaced Airlines 7 Departures
United Sky 3 Departures
USGlobal 7 Departures
Van Geemert Airlines 3 Departures
Vasa Airlines 21 Departures
VisionAir 0 Departures
West Blue 7 Departures
Westfalenwings 52 Departures
White Star Line 0 Departures
WINGS OF LOVE 7 Departures
World Freight Services 0 Departures
YakuThoma 51 Departures
Zurich Air 7 Departures